Search Results for '(090) 6487993'

116 results found.

Iron: ‘The blood-building mineral’

Iron is the main component needed for the production of haemoglobin, the pigment within our red blood cells, where it is required for oxygen transportation from the lungs to the body’s tissues, and the carbon dioxide transportation from the tissues to the lungs.

Vitamin D - The sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D is frequently referred to as The Sunshine Vitamin, as it is manufactured by human skin exposed to the sun.

Support your immune system with Zell Oxygen Immunokomplex

Zell Oxygen Immunokomplex is a natural product with a balanced immune active complex, with several decades of proven efficacy in supporting the immune system.

Keep your blood sugars balanced with chromium

Chromium is an essential trace mineral which forms a major part of glucose tolerance factor in the body, being responsible for the proper use of glucose.

Some tips for managing psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition characterised by raised patches of red and scaly skin.

The many health benefits of garlic

Garlic has been used since time immemorial as both a culinary spice and medicinal herb, and plays an important part in traditional Chinese medicine.

Zinc and its many uses in the body

Zinc is found in every cell in the body and is a component in more than 200 enzymes, more than any other mineral. Zinc is stored in muscle, red and white blood cells, bone, skin, kidneys, liver, pancreas, retina, and prostate in men.

Tips to achieve healthy and shiny hair

Healthy, shiny hair is appealing and is very much a reflection of inner health and adequate nutrient intake.

Curcumin – nature’s anti-inflammatory

Curcumin is the active ingredient of Turmeric (curcuma longa). Curcumin gives turmeric its golden yellow colour.

Help for polycystic ovary sufferers

It is not uncommon for women to have cysts on their ovaries. Very often ovarian cysts go unnoticed as they are often quite small and cause no pain or discomfort.


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